I've recently finished reading a book about psychic development (It's called, naturally, "Basic Psychic Development") and it's a pretty interesting read. It's a system developed by John Friedlander and Gloria Hemsher and it's broken down by relationships (with the earth, self, others, and "God of heart"). It focuses on the development of chakras, auras, and energy, and it was a pretty interesting read.
Now that I've read it through, I'm going to start practicing some of the techniques. Right now, I'm only interested in the first half of the book (earth and self), but it would be nice to be able to develop enough ability to help others and explore what lies beyond me. The first thing it teaches is how to ground oneself: sending negative, unwanted, and/or excess energy into the earth and being able to take in fresh energy. I know a lot of people think this kind of thing is bullshit, but it's worth a try, or at least some research.
My biggest problem so far is just being able to focus long enough to meditate properly. I downloaded some Buddhist chants, and that really helps, especially with the sound of traffic constantly going by. >.<>