Hello, blogosphere. My name is Audrey. Pleased to meet you.
Let's have some background story.
I was raised a good Christian, mostly by my dad and grandmother with reinforcement from friends and church. I was an awkward chubby child with a family going through some weird/bad situations, but it could have been much much worse. Faith pulled me through.
Now I am a slightly less awkward and chubby nineteen year old trying to figure this shit out. In the past five years, I have evolved from an aspiring missionary with lofty college goals to a college dropout who can do no better than look to the sky and ask "What the hell?" This was not a sudden change, as some may believe, but a very long soul-searching process that is still going full-force. There are many little details, but that would be too lengthy of a post. Perhaps some other time.
Now my plans include moving out and going to tech school for respiratory therapy. This may not seem like the first career choice with the smoking and all, but I like a little bit of irony. It beats sitting in a cocoon of pot for twenty years.
Those commercials have gotten a lot more entertaining in the past six months...
Well, I was inspired to start a blog but I think this is where I ran out.