I recently downloaded the movie so I could watch it again. It's been many years, and I could only remember random bits of plot line and song (it wouldn't be a Disney classic if it wasn't a musical!). I decided it was time to revisit some beloved childhood moments from a different point of view.
I was not disappointed.
First of all, the characters are awesome just because they're talking appliances. Blankie tends to get annoying since he is interpreted as a whiny-ass child, but is still lovable. You may find yourself wondering if the toaster is supposed to have a gender, however. While all the other characters have definite male/female voices or characteristics, the toaster does not. It was voiced by a woman, but that doesn't necessarily matter in animation.

These adventures lead to a lot of scenes that can throw you off just because of the sheer triposity that abounds. We're talking about things like the toaster having a nightmare about being chased by a clown throwing forks and dangling over a full bathtub. Or the air-conditioner flipping out and exploding. Or a flower falling in love with its own reflection. Counting the "what the hell" moments would probably make a good drinking game...
There are a surprising amount of frightening scenes for a kid's movie. Watching it again, I'm kind of surprised that I enjoyed it so much as a child. I mean, I was a straight-up wimp. Sid from Toy Story scared me. I refused to watch it for quite some time, but I'm digressing).

Again, this is just one scene.
But I would hate to sound like I am complaining. While the heart-warming tale of adventure and catchy little songs made it a great movie when I was little, the intense and trippy moments make it awesome now. The Brave Little Toaster is a wonderful stoner movie that I greatly recommend.