I've received some feedback from several different sources telling me that I don't really understand Christianity. I know this is based off of the post from a couple of days ago. I want to state that even though I did go to a really sucky-ass church, I have been to really great ones too. I know from personal experience what it's like to feel joy and peace through worship and reading the bible. It's a faith that can be wonderful to certain individuals. I was just pointing out that there is also a "dark side" to the religion that I couldn't keep ignoring. I know every faith has their downfalls and weak points. What happened was someone asked me to share my own ideas about a specific aspect of Christianity, and I did.
Spirituality is personal. I'm not the only one to integrate methods from multiple faiths and experiment, and I won't be the last. Other people are going through the same thing. I'm just using this spot on the internet to throw in my own ideas. They will not be the most scholarly opinions. They will not be the most novel revelations. They will be whatever comes from my heart or head, depending on what mood I'm in that day.
I wasn't putting a thrash-down on a whole group of worshipers. I wasn't undermining anyone's faith. Now stop telling me what I understand and what I don't.